Are we connected?

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“How can I best serve myself and others?” I encourage you to ask yourself this question every day.

Myself: because if you are the best version of yourself, you will have more energy, patience, and compassion for others.

Others: because if we all treated others like we want to be treated, life would be that much sweeter. What do you have to offer that might be helpful? Even just a genuine smile or kind gesture can make someone’s day.

Do we really think we are connected because we are all online?? Let’s connect, human to human, free of judgement or assumption. Let’s work together, authentically. ✌🏻

~Balance of Opposites~

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We live in a society that is dominated by Yang energy: the striving, hardness, pushing, rushing, hussling.

Not only that, the WORK HARD attitude is overly embraced, almost like the opposite is a weakness.

But Yin energy is far from weakness- it's powerfully efficient. It's WORK SMART: the softness, sweetness, steadiness, strategy, flow.

It takes vulnerability to be strong. It takes intuition + logic to make the best decisions. It takes mindful intent + (hard) work to produce the best results.

Do we really need to prove how hard we can push? We are riddled with stress & anxiety causing chronic health issues!

I say take pride in thinking smart and acting with efficiency. Knowing when to push and when to pull back. Knowing when to pause and ask for help or change course. Putting the focus back into living with enjoyment. Owning our own personal balance of opposites.


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Those who know me know that I can talk 😂, but that I can also really listen.

Overwhelmingly, as a health professional, I get the feedback from patients that they feel unheard or dismissed. Without getting into issues in the medical system, I get it. I've been the patient and I have felt incredibly disempowered & helpless walking away from a professional I was relying on for help.

My vow to you is that I WILL TAKE THE TIME TO LISTEN. In fact, I believe you have the answers. It's your body and what you tell me about it gives me a lot of insight into what is going on and how I can help.

I'm here, open ears. 🙏

📸 @marcraffaele_photography


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I actually used to dislike yoga. I was living in Byron Bay, one of the world's major yoga hubs, and I felt a resistance to it because it seemed to have such a stigma or ego attached to it. I felt like I had to be a certain way to be accepted into the "club".

I started practicing here & there when I worked and traveled the world, only to discover how incredible it is for body & mind. I quickly knew it would become a passion.

And I realised:
You don't perform yoga.
You don't need to be flexible enough or "cool" enough to do it.

It's a self-practice, intended to be whatever is best for you on the day, in each moment.

So there is no good or bad at yoga. There is only how much can you learn about yourself and let it serve YOU, with no comparison to others.

If you feel like I used to feel about yoga, I'm happy to introduce you to the real, authentic & wonderful practice that yoga can be. And for a down to earth, welcoming community, I recommend Boheme + Body Yoga Studios

Here's to #yogaforeveryone 🙏


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"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." -Albert Einstein

Next time you feel overwhelmed or are trying to make a decision, STOP. Stop thinking and just be. 3 deep breaths, and calm the monkey mind. Whether you find silence & solitude through meditation, yoga, time in nature, or doing whatever nutures you, you'll be surprised at what insights appear when you stop trying to use the rational mind and let the intuition speak.
We all have it, but we can easily lose our connection to it as the mind tries to dominate. It's such a simple tool- we just have to allow ourselves to cultivate it. Thanks for the reminder Hollie Bradley 💛🙏

Flexibility vs Mobility... and why mobility is a winner!

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Yes, that is me as a child wearing my mum's aerobics outfit
Flexibility is the ability of a muscle to lengthen passively to the end of its range (how far you can stretch). Mobility is the ability of a joint to move ACTIVELY through its range of motion (how well you can move around a joint).
Flexibility on its own can be dangerous- having the muscle length without the strength & control through the whole range can cause instability and injury. Mobility takes into account the joint and the motor control within the nervous system. Mobility is FUNCTIONAL- and wellness is all about function!
Yoga and stretching isn't "the deeper the better". I encourage you to move with mindfulness & control. To learn more on how to benefit from mobility training for wellness, injury prevention, and enhanced performance, get in touch.

Relaxation is key 🔑

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Try the 3 YAWN technique: take 3 super slow, mindful yawns at different times throughout your day. Really feel it in your body and notice its immediate effects. Stress is basically overactive conscious thinking, so the yawns are like clearing the business out of your head!

Science has proven that the brain physically changes through regular relaxation practices such as mindfulness and meditation. Developing the ability to become deeply relaxed is key to:

* Reduction of long term chronic pain (pain centers in the brain are regulated by yawning!)
* Learning & memory
* Doing your best work
* Meaningful conversations & relationships
* Enjoyment of everyday life

Hey, it's worth a try, right? Inspired by the Lucas Rockwood Podcast episode 366 with guest speaker Mark Robert Waldman. 🤓

📸 @bel.hetho

Yoga teachers 10% off

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YOGA TEACHERS- did you know that you get 10% off at Inspire? Why? Because yoga is wonderful and I'd like to reward you for sharing it with the world! And because I am passionate about helping you & your students get the most out of your practice through rehab & prevention of injury.
I offer holistic hands on treatment and specially tailored private yoga classes, to help understand injuries and learn to modify, so you can keep teaching and your students can continue to practice with you!

Running Tips

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I'm making sure to TRAIN SMART for the full at the #goldcoastmarathon2019 coming up in July. 
Here are my 3 top tips:
1. DISTANCE BEFORE SPEED. As you build up the Kms, make sure you let your body feel the new distance first before trying to do it fast. Your cardiovascular system might be ok, but your muscles, tendons, and ligaments need to ADAPT TO the new LOAD. Overload = injury. You can do your speed work separately, and then start to incorporate it into your longer runs once the body has adapted. Build up your one long run each week by 2-3km only. 
2. KEEP STRONG. Keep up your strength training! Or add some simple home exercises if you don't normally train, especially squats and single leg balance exercises. 
3. DON'T IGNORE INJURY PAIN. Get onto any niggles or injuries quickly. Try an ice pack and some rest, but if anything persists for more than a few days, see me for a diagnosis, treatment, and a smart plan to get you back running asap. 
I have so many more tips! I'm up to 24km and going great. Contact me for an assessment, treatment, exercise plan, and more.
Happy running! 

Master & Apprentice

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Knowledge is a continuum- the more you know, the more you realize how much you don't know! You never really know it all, and to say you do proves that you don't.
I do one day a week at my old clinic, Byron Bay Physiotherapy, where I work alongside my mentor who has immense knowledge & experience. I take every opportunity to learn from him. We've recently had a young physio student, and it reminded me of how far I've come. I am constantly humbled both by how much knowledge I've gained, and how much more there is to learn. I am both a master and an apprentice, and will always be.
I am eternally grateful to all my mentors and my students. No matter where we are on the learning continuum, let us enjoy and appreciate the journey, humbly, one step at a time.

What if health was your true wealth?

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Attachment to money will always create insecurity, no matter how much money you have in the bank. Financial security is an illusion. You might say, "When I have X dollars, then I'll be secure. Then I'll be financially independent and I will retire. Then I will do all the things I really want to do." But when?!

What about now? Health is quality of life, it's feeling as good as you can everyday. I encourage you to mindfully do at least one thing each day to look after yourself, to show yourself the respect you deserve.

Some paraphrasing from#sevenspirituallawsofsuccess by #deepakchopra 📚 


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THERE IS ALWAYS A CHOICE. Even if it's just the way you perceive a situation.

There are 3 solutions to every problem: accept it, change it, or leave it. If you can't accept it, change it. If you can't change it, leave it. But the key is that the choice must be within yourself as you can't control others or depend on a certain external outcome.

Either way, take responsibility for your life and make a conscious choice to do what makes you happy. Don't spend too long doing things that don't bring you joy. This life is a gift, the time is NOW.


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Why is it important to diagnose your injury? Because understanding what it is and where it's coming from helps you deal with it in 3 ways:

1. Knowing what to do and not do for rehab... it's empowering to be able to help yourself and have a plan.

2. Peace of mind. Not having a clear picture can be confusing and frightening, and cause more pain! Understanding allows you to accept and move forward with a more positive outlook.

3. Understanding the source of the injury will help prevent it from recurring.

I always strive to diagnose accurately and explain clearly so you can have the best chance to recover quickly. And if I don't know, I will send you to someone smarter! Your best interest is always my best interest.

Exercise Addiction


Yes, I am addicted to exercise! Always have been. It makes me very happy, and it certainly makes me a better Physio.

Being a highly competitive swimmer from a young age has allowed me to experience many injuries, giving me a deeper understanding and empathy for my patients. I'm much wiser now and am relatively injury-free, still training 6+ times a week running, strength, yoga, surfing, etc.

I also have a strong background in Sports Physio, working with athletes of all types, including being the team Physio for a Rugby League club, and being involved with Australian pro surfing, baseball, and triathlon. Which means I work WITH YOU and your sport-specific goals for the best outcome.

But I love treating everyone! All ages and types of injuries in a genuine holistic way.

Happy exercising!!

Private Yoga

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Yoga was really designed to be an individual practice, tailored to your body (& mind's) needs. This is how we get the most therapeutic value.

Great for those:
• dealing with injury, pain, stiffness 
• beginners looking for a safe place to start
• yogis who would like to further their practice & prevent injury

Practice one on one with a physio & yoga teacher who has a strong knowledge & love of movement. An opportunity to recognise imbalances, effectively deal with them, and learn how to modify for your body's needs.

You can then enjoy a home practice or return to your favourite studio with greater ease & confidence.

Book sessions at your convenience 🙏



How often do you stand on one leg? Can you balance, and squat a little without wobbling? You'd be surprised how many people, including trained athletes, nearly fall over!

Yes balance comes from the feet up, but also from the hips down. Lack of PELVIC STABILITY, or control of the glut muscles, is often missed, yet when activated properly, is a key factor to injury-free hips, backs, knees, ankles & feet. It's also incredibly important for falls prevention as we age.

Ideally barefoot to allow your feet and lower legs to develop their own stabilizers, stand tall, consciously switch on abs & glutes, and slowly shift your weight onto one leg. Fix your gaze forward to one point and have support there if you need it. Start with 5-30 seconds, 4 times each side, twice a day.

If you can manage to do it while brushing your teeth, it's a good reminder!

📸Yandara-Yoga Teacher Training in Sweden 💛

Meditation Part 2

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Why meditate?

Because we all have the power to control our thoughts.

Simply encourage the POSITIVE emotions as the dominant ones. Meditation is an opportunity to use your conscious mind to do this. Like a filter, you can influence the subconscious rather than let things affect you without control. The key is awareness and practice, which comes with time!

Can this help with recovery, happiness, success, fulfillment? ABSOLUTELY. I truly believe we underestimate the power of our minds. Our only limitations are those we set up for ourselves, usually without even realizing. Start with 5 minutes a day and see...

"Discover the genius that sleeps within your brain." -Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

Meditation Part 1

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Have you experienced the benefits of a daily meditation practice?

In May, I was feeling a bit off, so I gave myself a June challenge: 21 days of 21 minutes. The effects were so positive that I didn't want to stop! I'm now at 40+ continuous days and reaping the benefits of my calm contentment.

If you're interested in trying but aren't sure where to start, here are my TOP TIPS:

1. Try YOGA! This is how I got into meditation in the first place. Those moments of guided stillness and introspection.
2. Focus on the BREATH. Start with a few minutes of eyes closed deep slow breathing. Simple.
3. Start with GUIDED meditation. There are loads of great apps that can assist you like Insight Timer, and build up to just background sounds or silence.
4. There are NO RULES! You can lie down, sit in any position, at home, in the park. Whatever works for you.
5. Don't put pressure on yourself to "think of nothing". Simply focusing on positive thoughts or give yourself a theme each time.

I hope this helps. Even 5 minutes most days can make a great impact. Think of it as training for your mental health!

I'm here to assist you... come practice with me 0457162828

"Enlightened Aimlessness"

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Our society is very goal-oriented. We tend to be going in a certain direction with a particular aim. It's great to have a wish or an aim, but we shouldn't allow it to become something that prevents us from living happily in the here and now.

Buddhism has a certain respect for "enlightened aimlessness", a teaching that says you don't have to put something in front of you and run after it, because everything is already there inside you.

Being able to stop and be aware of the present moment is part of the definition of happiness. This is not a matter of belief; this is a matter of experience. 
- Thich Nhat Hahn (paraphrased)