

How often do you stand on one leg? Can you balance, and squat a little without wobbling? You'd be surprised how many people, including trained athletes, nearly fall over!

Yes balance comes from the feet up, but also from the hips down. Lack of PELVIC STABILITY, or control of the glut muscles, is often missed, yet when activated properly, is a key factor to injury-free hips, backs, knees, ankles & feet. It's also incredibly important for falls prevention as we age.

Ideally barefoot to allow your feet and lower legs to develop their own stabilizers, stand tall, consciously switch on abs & glutes, and slowly shift your weight onto one leg. Fix your gaze forward to one point and have support there if you need it. Start with 5-30 seconds, 4 times each side, twice a day.

If you can manage to do it while brushing your teeth, it's a good reminder!

📸Yandara-Yoga Teacher Training in Sweden 💛