~Balance of Opposites~

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We live in a society that is dominated by Yang energy: the striving, hardness, pushing, rushing, hussling.

Not only that, the WORK HARD attitude is overly embraced, almost like the opposite is a weakness.

But Yin energy is far from weakness- it's powerfully efficient. It's WORK SMART: the softness, sweetness, steadiness, strategy, flow.

It takes vulnerability to be strong. It takes intuition + logic to make the best decisions. It takes mindful intent + (hard) work to produce the best results.

Do we really need to prove how hard we can push? We are riddled with stress & anxiety causing chronic health issues!

I say take pride in thinking smart and acting with efficiency. Knowing when to push and when to pull back. Knowing when to pause and ask for help or change course. Putting the focus back into living with enjoyment. Owning our own personal balance of opposites.