Meditation Part 1

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Have you experienced the benefits of a daily meditation practice?

In May, I was feeling a bit off, so I gave myself a June challenge: 21 days of 21 minutes. The effects were so positive that I didn't want to stop! I'm now at 40+ continuous days and reaping the benefits of my calm contentment.

If you're interested in trying but aren't sure where to start, here are my TOP TIPS:

1. Try YOGA! This is how I got into meditation in the first place. Those moments of guided stillness and introspection.
2. Focus on the BREATH. Start with a few minutes of eyes closed deep slow breathing. Simple.
3. Start with GUIDED meditation. There are loads of great apps that can assist you like Insight Timer, and build up to just background sounds or silence.
4. There are NO RULES! You can lie down, sit in any position, at home, in the park. Whatever works for you.
5. Don't put pressure on yourself to "think of nothing". Simply focusing on positive thoughts or give yourself a theme each time.

I hope this helps. Even 5 minutes most days can make a great impact. Think of it as training for your mental health!

I'm here to assist you... come practice with me 0457162828