Running Tips

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I'm making sure to TRAIN SMART for the full at the #goldcoastmarathon2019 coming up in July. 
Here are my 3 top tips:
1. DISTANCE BEFORE SPEED. As you build up the Kms, make sure you let your body feel the new distance first before trying to do it fast. Your cardiovascular system might be ok, but your muscles, tendons, and ligaments need to ADAPT TO the new LOAD. Overload = injury. You can do your speed work separately, and then start to incorporate it into your longer runs once the body has adapted. Build up your one long run each week by 2-3km only. 
2. KEEP STRONG. Keep up your strength training! Or add some simple home exercises if you don't normally train, especially squats and single leg balance exercises. 
3. DON'T IGNORE INJURY PAIN. Get onto any niggles or injuries quickly. Try an ice pack and some rest, but if anything persists for more than a few days, see me for a diagnosis, treatment, and a smart plan to get you back running asap. 
I have so many more tips! I'm up to 24km and going great. Contact me for an assessment, treatment, exercise plan, and more.
Happy running!