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I actually used to dislike yoga. I was living in Byron Bay, one of the world's major yoga hubs, and I felt a resistance to it because it seemed to have such a stigma or ego attached to it. I felt like I had to be a certain way to be accepted into the "club".

I started practicing here & there when I worked and traveled the world, only to discover how incredible it is for body & mind. I quickly knew it would become a passion.

And I realised:
You don't perform yoga.
You don't need to be flexible enough or "cool" enough to do it.

It's a self-practice, intended to be whatever is best for you on the day, in each moment.

So there is no good or bad at yoga. There is only how much can you learn about yourself and let it serve YOU, with no comparison to others.

If you feel like I used to feel about yoga, I'm happy to introduce you to the real, authentic & wonderful practice that yoga can be. And for a down to earth, welcoming community, I recommend Boheme + Body Yoga Studios

Here's to #yogaforeveryone 🙏