ITB foam roller.jpg

As I prepare for the Gold Coast half marathon July 1st, my awareness is on injury prevention.

The iliotibial band is a thick band of connective tissue which runs down the side of the leg, from the pelvis to just below the outside of the knee. Part of it attaches to the kneecap and it plays a major role in stabilising the knee during walking, running, hiking, cycling, or any activities on one leg.

The IT band often gets tight causing a painful friction/compression syndrome at the knee, and may also contribute to hip and low back pain.

TIP: Rather than rolling over it (this can feel like torture!), you can try sustained pressure about 5cm above the knee for one minute, putting as much weight as you can handle while breathing into the discomfort. Repeat up on the side of the hip for a better release.

Find out more about how to manage & prevent lower limb injuries 📲0457162828.
