My Top 3 Benefits of Strength Training

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I’m half way through a 28-day strength challenge at RBT (Result Based Training) and am feeling great, so I felt inspired to share some of these good vibes with you. There are so many known benefits to resistance training backed by great research, but here are my top 3:

It’s not just about increasing the strength of ligaments, tendons, joint cartilage, connective tissue, and improving bone mineral density. Resistance training offers an opportunity to become aware of our weaknesses and imbalances (we all have them!) and work on them while emphasizing ideal neuromuscular patterns. These strength gains and ideal movement patterns (neuromuscular control) transfer to other sports and activities, not only minimizing your chance of getting injured, but also improving your performance. Winner.

THE KEY: seek a professional to design a training program for you, or train in a group setting with a qualified trainer. Either way, make sure you get proper FEEDBACK about your technique regularly, even if you have been training for years

Not only does a resistance-based workout raise your metabolism for hours afterward (some experts say up to 39 hours when lifting weights!), but muscle also burns more calories AT REST. So even small gains in muscle mass increase your resting metabolic rate. 
I always feel that my appetite, weight, and energy levels are steadier when strength training consistently 2-3 times a week as opposed to just cardio.

THE KEY: Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so be very cautious with how you use the scales when fat loss is a goal (weight loss does NOT equal fat loss)

Feeling strong physically generally translates to feeling strong mentally, which tends to carry over into other areas of your life. Never underestimate what you can achieve! The only limits to our progress are the ones we impose on ourselves.

THE KEY: Find a good training buddy or supportive group where you can help motivate each other and celebrate your progress and achievements.

If pains or imbalances are getting in the way of your training, I’m here to help with thorough analysis, treatment, and advice. I’m always happy to work with your trainer to help you get the most out of your strength program.

Happy training!